What are Beat Tapes, Albums & Playlists?

Beat Tapes, Albums & Playlists are a way of grouping your beats and/or songs, and are found in Dashboard > Music & Media. These are only available with the Platinum Producer Package and whilst Playlists and Beat Tapes can be displayed in any store, Albums can only be displayed in your HTML5 Store.

Beat Tape: This is a collection of your beats that you can sell as a whole unit, rather than selling the beats individually. Beat tapes come with a contract and the files are leased, the same way individual beats are leased

Album: Albums can only contain songs, and are sold as a whole unit, for listening purposes only, and not leased like beats.

Unlike the 2 above, playlists are not for sale. Playlists are simply a way to display a group of beats (e.g. a hip hop playlist) in your Music Store. This is a great way to segregate your beats if you want to display different genres, type beats, license types, etc.

Individual beats can be bought directly from the playlist, however the playlist cannot be bought as a whole collection.


Click here to see how to create a Beat Tape, Playlist or Album

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